Crash Course Cooking

Crash Course Cooking is a journey into three different aspects of cooking. Barbecues are an iconic event for many reasons. The atmosphere, people  and, of course, the food. The variety and simplicity of the recipes that can be cooked on a grill are difficult to compete with. Barbecues are iconic when it comes to grilling with the  neighborhood. Another occasion is date night as time with a significant other is always a good idea. These types of nights can help decrease stress and keep a relationship solid! An awesome way to spice up a date night is by staying home and cooking a new recipe with your significant other. This makes for a fun bonding moment while learning a new meal together. Lastly, picnics are another great option to get together with friends and loved ones while using simple recipes and fresh fruit while finding a nice picnic table or a perfect patch of grass.
        Deciding on what meal to choose is simple. These recipes provided can be made by someone at any cooking experience level, beginner to expert. These are easy dinners that are delicious and fun to make together too! The brochure trio will consist of 3 different occasions of activities that will include 3 levels of difficulty to embark on each special type of foodstuff. Each brochure will include 3 different recipe options and will use graphics of real life food and a color scheme to match the atmosphere of each occasion. All brochures will have headings that outline how to “set the mood” for each occasion and it will coincide with cute sayings to entice the potential audience. Lastly, there will be a section to pick the perfect pairing for each occasion's sides. From grilling to pasta and turkey sandwiches the brochures will be great date ideas for families and friends. 
        Getting into cooking is never easy, but the audience will be provided with easy cooking tips. Whether someone wants to know how to properly cut a steak or create their home made pizza, these brochures will instill confidence and also be aesthetically pleasing. Crash Course Cooking is the ideal brochure trio.


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