the wall which separates

    The things that occur at the U.S. and Mexican Border are unknown except to those who are a part of the United State’s Department of Health, ICE and Latin Americans and migrant families who are seeking refuge. It is important that the truth of what occurs at the United State’s border patrols is clear to the general public. The border crisis is a controversial topic for some, however the separation of children from their families and forced detainment should stand as something that is to be allowed. 
    Former president Donald Trump’s stance on immigration left many in the United States feeling “unsafe” because of how fear was used as a tool to not allow immigrants the chance to apply for refuge or seek asylum. The process to obtain asylum is lengthy with many steps that include the need of lawyers, a flow of consistent money, and a hold on job opportunities for a year once in the States. These terms leave many immigrants falling short or unable to obtain the help they need to unite with their families and start over. 
    It can be productive to say that there needs to be a system or a service that is able to assist immigrants in the immigration/refugee/ asylum process before they come to the United States border so that they are not detained in harmful ways emotionally or physically. This system could be a workshop that is used for the “call to action”. A workshop would include access to readings, and testimonials from immigrants who have received help or have gone through the asylum process before. It should not have to be dangerous for children and their families to come to the United States for a new chance without risking their lives from gangs and violence. Although what happens on their journey is out of the hands of the United States, there should be a way for once they arrive for the families to receive the proper care and instruction without being detained or seen as criminal.


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