Escucha Nuestras Voces

 Puerto Rico is currently a territory of the United States of America. However, per the Puerto Rican Self-Determination Act of 2020, the terms of the relationship between Puerto Rico and the U.S. is up for change. This legislation has been created by Senator Bob Menendez, and representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nydia M. Velasquez. The goal of the Puerto Rican Self- Determination Act is to allow for Puerto Ricans to assume control over their own political future. 

    This bill has been in the making since 2007 until representative Ocasio-Cortez renewed it in 2020. Puerto Rico has been under American rule for 100 years and should be allowed to determine their own governing system. The bill allows for representatives and delegates to be allowed to help transfer the power back into the hands of the Puerto Ricans. This bill is inclusive and shows the process of Puerto Rico and also if passed, the progress of the United States can step away from interfering with other countries. Puerto Rico has struggled with devastating economic and natural disasters over the years and the people deserve to have their voices heard. 

Puerto Rican’s voices have been silenced in the United State’s elections and government because of their status as a “territory”. With the passing of this new bill, Puerto Rico will be liberated to create its own destiny for its own people. HR8113 is the name of the bill which may be incorporated with the flyer. Red, White and Blue are the colors of the Puerto Rican Flag but also the United States Flag, this can be used as a metaphor but also clash when used in propaganda ex)flyer. 

This flyer will indicate what the bill allows for and a call to understanding on the subject.  

Thumbnail #1 uses red lettering of “VIVA PUERTO RICO LIBRE” to signify the desire of a free Puerto Rico statehood without the involvement of the United States of America. The use of Pantone 3517 C evokes the eye to stay there longer because red catches the attention of the eye, as well as the graphic will be on a protest sign. The bullet points are straight to the point and readable to summarize for the audience. 

Thumbnail #2 uses the hashtag #hearourvoices to show the audience the following of the organization. The photo will be fading towards the left into the title of the flyer called “End colonialism in Puerto Rico”. Red, White and Blue and their exact pantones will be used in the flyer because those are Puerto Rico’s flag colors.

Thumbnail #3 shows a child holding the “bill” of self determination for Puerto Rico. 

The title of the flyer is “Free Puerto Rico” to catch the attention of the audience to something simple to read. Upon a closer glance the bill will state the summed up points of the bill and the hashtag to follow the bill and movement appears at the bottom of the flyer as: #libertadparapuertorico. A flag will be on the child's shirt to show the puerto rican flag. The colors used will be all dark shadows surrounding the bill. 


  1. Checking to see if my comments will work

  2. These thumbnails are each unique in their own respect and send a message through a creative medium.
    A thought I had while looking at Thumbnail #1 was having the Know the Bill section in each line of the flag. In addition, perhaps not lining the sign edges flush to the page but rather keep some space on the right.
    Thumbnail #2 is well designed and allows the elements to be individual but work together as a whole.
    With Thumbnail #3, a concern I thought of would be if the text does not sit on the same level as the manuscript being held up by the individual behind it, but other than that, a powerful image that refuses to be ignored.


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